Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Passion - Such a fiery word!

Passion - such a fiery word! Sometimes it can be downright intimidating. Yet, it’s one of the most essential pieces in creating a career and a life that’s fulfilling. So let’s try to break it down into easy to manage pieces that we can work to your advantage.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with someone to talk about how they can get more satisfaction out of their career and their life. Things will be going smoothly, they have everything under control, they seem very confident...until I drop the bomb and ask...”What are you passionate about?’’ Well, that’s when things can get tricky. Now, don’t misunderstand me, I’m talking about G-rated passion here, the kind of passion that makes you want to get up in the morning, want to go to work, want to see a friend, go to an event, etc. Yet, something about the word Passion can make perfectly well-adjusted people suddenly feel intimidated. I know because it happened to me.

There I was, going about the business of being a grown-up, taking things very seriously as I believed I was supposed to do, and someone asked me the very same question. My first reaction was say that I am passionate about my career, family, and exercise (ok, the last one I made up just to sound responsible). I think I felt like those things were mature enough to admit to. But then I realized I felt more, but I was sure that the other things I got excited about weren’t worthy of being on the list. For example, I LOVE going to spas, resort hotels, buying a great outfit that makes me feel good, helping others dress to feel great, listening to my favorite music, eating great food (not necessarily cooking it), empowering others to reach their goals, laughing out loud, finding hope and joy, helping others feel good about themselves, being creative, being surrounded by nature, and working less and playing more.

I could go on and on...but isn’t that selfish? Isn’t that what many of us believe, that once we’re an adult we need to put our silly wants and wishes away and ‘get to work’? Well, not so fast. Because let me tell you that not only can you do both, you can do it and be more successful and satisfied with your overall life.

Studies have shown that passion fuels creativity and productivity. In other words, the more passion you have about something, the more energy you have. And when you use that energy to focus on your goal, you are far more productive.

For example, when I realized that I am genuinely energized when I am empowering others, a light bulb went off and I began to incorporate that skill into my ‘work’. In fact, it became the foundation for my work. And when I began to give myself permission to have fun while doing it...being playful, joyful, and laughing with others, that’s when I found that I had more energy than I ever thought possible. I found I could give a 4-hour seminar, coach clients for another 3 hours, take part in a creative session, and still feel energized at the end of the day. To me, this was a miraculous discovery! I began to want to get up each day and get to work.

Now, keep in mind that I also love to take time to relax, be with my family and friends, and enjoy my favorite things. Well, the great thing is that once I became more passionate about my work, I realized that I could get more of it done in a shorter amount of time and, as a bonus, I felt really good about the work I had done. I had found bliss. The key now is holding onto it. So, everyday I make it my goal to remind myself not only of what I am passionate about, but to add things to my list and continue to find ways to adapt my passion to my work.

Now some people might think this is where it’s a little selfish, actually spending time and sometimes money to search for your G-rated passion? Is that what I’m suggesting? Yes,it is. Now you have permission because it’s an essential thing to do to help you in your career. In fact, recently I went to a convention that sounded interesting to me, there were well known speakers who frequently appear on the Oprah show and I was looking forward to it. Little did I know how much...in fact, when I was in a seminar and turned around to see Stacy London from TLC’s ‘What Not To Wear’ show standing right behind me, I got down right giddy! And when she signed her book for me and we got to talk for a few minutes I felt all of the passion for learning all I could about that industry come flooding back to me. I went to hear her speak, and for an hour and a half I was completely engrossed and took notes like a fiend as she spoke effortlessly and passionately about how to ‘dress right’. In fact, she was so passionate that she spoke 45 minutes longer than they had asked her to and the crowd stayed to listen. I was reinvigorated and ready to work.

Passion is contagious, it is motivating, and it is essential to your well being. Isn’t it time you tapped in to yours? Isn’t it time you began to connect to your passion and Work, play and , live...InBliss™?

Copyright © 2007 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved Internationally. No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

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