Sunday, August 24, 2008

You're Only As Good As Your Word

Someone recently asked me what they should do to develop a “peer level”  relationship with their clients because they felt they weren’t getting the respect they deserved.  That same person forgot to show up for a business call we had scheduled for the following week. 

Hmm, is it a coincidence that they’re not getting the respect that they desire?  Not likely.  There’s a saying in business that basically states that you can usually tell how successful a person is by whether or not they keep their agreements.  In business and in your personal life, keeping your agreements is one of the top ways to show respect for another person.  And let’s be honest, who wants to have a “peer level” relationship with someone they believe doesn’t respect them?  

 Obviously, you would never even think of being anything less than a true professional...but just in case you know someone who might need a gentle reminder, here’s a few tips for keeping agreements that you are welcome to share.

Tip 1.  Show Up. Whether it’s a meeting with a partner, client, employee or friend, it’s essential that you are consistent in being where you said you would be, when you said you’d be there.  If you’re going to be late or not make it at all, call well in advance...better yet, do everything in your power to be there on time.  Five minutes late is enough time for your employee, partner or client to doubt  your commitment to the relationship and ultimately doubt your credibility and your professionalism. This is not the kind of thinking that will help solidify business (or personal) relationships.  

Tip 2.  Make the call.  I bet you can think back to at least one time you were expecting a call that was important to you (waiting to hear from a potential client, a job offer, the results of a test, a potential love interest) only to be kept waiting...and waiting...long after the promised day and time passed.  It’s frustrating at the very least.  Yet, far too often so called “professionals”  will avoid calling when they are uncomfortable with the subject or simply overcommitted.  Just take a deep breath, start dialing, and keep your agreement. 

Tip 3.  Deliver on your promise.  Whether you promised to finish a report, give an employee their performance appraisal, or bring the sports equipment to the game, someone is counting on you.  True professionals and those truly successful in life realize that they are only as good as their word. You seldom get an opportunity to reclaim the trust that can be broken by failing to follow through on a commitment.  If you gave your word, keep never know who might be counting on you. 

When I first started my career, someone gave me a memo pad that said at the top “if they really want the project completed, they’ll ask twice”.  At the time I though it was kind of funny.  Now I realize that if I really want to be successful, once is all it should take.  

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

One More Out the Door??

Think back to the last time you were really looking forward to something.  Maybe it was a vacation at an amazing resort, a great dinner out, or buying a new piece of state of the art electronics.  Oh, the anticipation leading up to the event!...Your life will be so much better!...Did the reality live up to your expectations?  Far too often the answer is a flat out “no”. Usually because the hype was far greater than the actual product. 

A few years ago I decided to finally indulge in my dream to spend a week being pampered at a luxury spa.  I researched all sorts of options all over the country, booked my airfare and ground transportation, and could hardly wait to go! The spa in Utah advertised world-class service, gourmet food, spectacular views and a top-notch spa.  From the moment I arrived at the resort I felt my excitement turn into deep disappointment.  The reception lobby had stark white walls, rental quality furniture and employees that looked less than thrilled to be there.  The spa featured fluorescent lighting, blaring rock music, and really nothing resembling “top-notch”.  Without access to a computer or a vehicle, I quickly phoned a friend who gladly helped me research other nearby spas where I might escape.

In my consulting practice, delivering on your brand is one of the top areas I stress to business owners and employees, because there’s always another company around the corner who will gladly take your dissatisfied customers.  For that reason, I’ve put together a few tips to help you assess your business and see where there may be opportunities to enhance your image.

Tip 1. Clearly reflect your brand.  Once you have defined how you want your company to be perceived, use your brand as a filter for everything your customer encounters.  In other words, if you are a spa and you’re advertising luxury and pampering, that should be the overriding theme at your establishment.   Your furnishings should be lush and your staff should actually “pamper” your clients. You could certainly add additional elements such as hiking and exercise classes but they should not be the focus.  Simply put, give your customers what they came for. 

Tip 2Think of your business as an “experience”.  In my many years with Anheuser-Busch Theme Parks, I often encouraged my creative teams to look at every detail our guests encountered.  From parking the car in the morning to leaving late in the evening there were hundreds of “experiences” that could make or break a great day.  Take a look  around your business and “see it” through your customer’s eyes.  If you were the customer, would you appreciate the overall experience?  Are you delivering on your brand or is it time to add some new and improved elements to your offerings?

Tip 3. Your employees are a reflection of your brand.  Whether we’re talking about a doctor’s office, restaurant, or call center, your customers expect great service from everyone in your company.  If your receptionist or other employees are rude or unknowledgeable your customers will view your overall business in that light and sales will likely suffer.  

Tip 4. Develop opportunities for emotional connections. Put some time into understanding how your customers might hope to “feel” as a result of doing business with you.  In other words, do you want them to feel energized, comfortable, relieved, rested, in “good hands”?  You can influence your customer’s  ability to “connect” to your business through the use of appropriate background music, lighting, paint colors, artwork, and your employee’s interactions with your customers. Think about how much a soundtrack can enhance a movie (whether it’s romantic or action packed). If you walked into a nightclub that didn’t feature great music and attractive lighting, would you want to stay and order drink? It’s very often the “feeling” we experience that prompts us to either move on or stay and indulge. 


Most of the tips I’ve mentioned can be addressed with modest impact on your budget and high return on your investment through increased customer that’s working InBliss!

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Friday, June 20, 2008

That's What I'm Talking About!

Since we're on the subject of business image, I just have to tell you about a new spa in Orlando that is second to none in terms of great guest service.  The owner is Sarah Woodgett-Athey and she was previously the Supervising Skincare Therapist at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando and the Canyon Ranch Spa Orlando. 

I must say, from the moment you walk in to the modest spa, you will feel like a dear friend who's visit is long overdue.  Sarah and her associate Milena know exactly how to make a busy person slow down and be pampered (they even have an express 30 minute facial that you'd swear was longer!).  It is definitely a luxury that I can no longer do without! 

Because the day spa is not attached or affiliated with a resort (you won't find a pool, hot tub, or steam room), their rates are very reasonable (massages are about half of what you'd expect to pay at a larger spa).  They have a peaceful relaxation room and a full line of skin care products available.  By far their biggest draw is their great guest service and incredible treatments - now that's what I call Bliss! 

Visit FaceHaven's website at or call 407-240-1212

Friday, June 6, 2008

Business Image... What's that???

Sure, we've been talking about the importance of building your personal image, but have you stopped to consider the image of your company or the company you work for?  At some point, we've probably all worked somewhere that we weren't proud of.  I know when I was 18 (yes, just a few short years ago) I worked for a company that provided security guards for construction sites.  Let's just call it Mr. X Security.   Though I generally liked the people I worked for, I really dreaded going to work.  The office that I worked in smelled musty, the drywall was crumbling, the carpet was in terrible shape, the windows were permanently foggy, and the place was literally falling apart.  

Over time, the owner of Mr. X Security began to add other odd jobs to his scope of work.  He started offering cleaning services (though I am positive that no cleaning had ever taken place in that office) and, at some point he tried offering child care services. It's not surprising that the quality of client and the quality of employee the company was attracting was let's just say... sketchy.

Hmm.... what went wrong here? 

Let's start with Branding.  When people see your business, they want to understand what it is that you do - what services you offer.  In a company named Mr. X Security, it certainly seems out of place that they would offer cleaning services and child care which have really no connecting points that I can think of.  It's not that you can't offer separate services or just needs to make sense.  

For example, say you want to open a theme park and you want to call it Music World.  Great!  So you start to add in music themed rides, musical entertainment, a resort featuring great musical eras, a restaurant featuring famous musicians, etc.  Good start.  Now, you decide it would be cool to add in Dinosaur Land as part of the park because you think dinosaurs are really cool and because you found a bunch of them at a great price and they will take up a lot of space in your theme park. You'd also like to add in a high speed race track and a kid's oversized play area.  Hmm... really?  

It's so important that your customers (and you) are able to connect the dots. Once you added in the dinosaurs and race cars, the brand got cloudy. If you can tie them back to music then you might have something.  If the kid's area featured oversized musical instruments, maybe a tuba that they could crawl through, etc. you're on the right track.  Now, you might be thinking, I've seen theme parks that feature all kinds of stuff - race cars, talking mice, flying carpets, you name it.  The difference is that their brand is defined as "magical" or "make believe" or "an escape from reality" - now you can throw in the kitchen sink! 

The other piece is the first impression and overall experience that people get from your company.  If you have a cleaning company and your office is filthy... no deal.  If you advertise as being the "friendly alternative" to dentistry and your receptionist is rude... no deal.  If you have a spa that is advertised as "pure bliss" and your customers have to walk through a convention area, a noisy check in lobby, and crowded elevators... no deal.  You MUST deliver on your promise.  Think about what your customers might expect and over deliver.  I promise, if you have a cleaning company your customers will expect your office, vehicles, and employees to look clean and well groomed. 

Another example, if you have a company named InBliss, you will want to be sure to offer services that help to make your customer's personal and professional lives more successful, more rewarding, and more blissful in general.  Hopefully I've delivered on the brand.  

For more information, email me at or visit my website at 
Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission. 

Thursday, May 29, 2008


(Scroll down to the bottom for pictures!) I recently had the opportunity to meet Clinton Kelly of TLC's What Not To Wear show, which was very exciting (I also got to meet Stacy London last fall)!  It was great hearing him confirm all of the things I have long suspected were true!  For example: The average person has to try on 20 pairs of jeans before finding a flattering cut, color, and fit!  Also, you will likely need to have at least 50% of your clothing altered to ensure a correct fit!  How many times have you left the fitting room frustrated and irritated because 'it didn't fit right'?? What's funny to me is that I used to be Director of Costuming and worked with amazing seamstresses for years but I still felt that having my own personal clothing altered was something that should only happen occasionally - this has changed my perspective and given me a lot more room for what I felt was my own imperfections!

Speaking of imperfections... one of the things I often find when I am working with clients is that many people mistake making a positive impression and being perceived in a positive light for having to be perfect.  Don't let this happen to you!  Perception is a combination of things... being aware of your appearance, your behavior, your body language, your facial expression, your pitch and tone of voice, and the way you connect emotionally with others.  It doesn't mean you need to be perfect, but it does mean that you need to make an effort.  Research shows that often in the business world (more often than not), the way others perceive you contributes to your ability to get hired, attract clients, receive a larger salary, and be promoted.  In other words, perception translates into revenue.  Reach your full potential!  

For example, I also just finished working with an Image Client (see her before and after pictures) and when I showed her before and after pictures to a group of participants in a leadership workshop I was conducting, the response was overwhelming.  Hands down they believed that the person in the "before" picture was someone who was not necessarily happy, successful or in a professional occupation.  On the other hand, when they saw the "after" picture of the same picture they now saw her as a successful, friendly, happy, intelligent, trustworthy, professional woman.  What a difference perception can make! 

A few  things you should consider when you begin to work on polishing your appearance/building up your perception.  
*Perception is important for both men and women
*You can put on a pretty dress but it won't necessarily make you feel pretty- your image starts from the inside out.  You are good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like you! (if that doesn't work, you might want to consider a few self-empowerment coaching sessions which I offer through my coaching practice)
*Don't forget to "claim your space" - your posture and stature should not be overlooked - stand up straight, slow your pace and take longer strides when you walk. 
*If you decide to hire an image consultant, be sure they consult with you on how you want to be perceived.  Do you want to be seen as a high powered executive or an artistic free spirit... maybe something in between? You definitely want to be sure you have a defined target.  
*Your image consultant should be your advocate and work on your behalf to find clothing that looks great on you (not just clothing that the sales clerk wants to sell you).  They should also work with a professional hairstylist and makeup artist and oversee their work to ensure that you are happy with your new look. They should spend time with you to ensure you know which outfits you can mix and match to get the most out of your investment.  They should take "before" and "after" pictures to document your progress.  They should also accompany you or instruct your seamstress on where your clothes need to be altered to ensure proper fit.
*Your image consultant should be experienced and approachable, they should concentrate on building your self-esteem and reaching your goal.  They should also mirror the tips that they recommend to you. 
*If you are interested in hiring an image consultant that fits these qualifications, please feel free to contact me at or call 407-595-6771 and we'll talk about options that are right for you. 

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Feeling "lucky enough" might not be enough

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been told all your life to stop your wishful thinking and just be grateful for what you have.  

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m in full support of having gratitude for every blessing in your life - in fact I think it’s  fundamental to living a balanced and blissful life.  However, what happens if or when you find that your current reality  just isn’t enough?  The answer is simple...aim higher.

Whether you feel that you want more satisfaction from your career or more meaningful personal relationships, the first step is understanding that it’s OK to admit that you deserve more.  In fact, in order to get more out of your life, it’s imperative that you claim the right to connect to your purpose, passion and true potential.  

Now, keeping that in mind, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get started on deciding what you want and putting the plans in place to start moving in that direction. As an executive and personal coach, I use the Dream Coach® process, a powerful and proven program that was founded by Marcia Wieder.  Marcia has appeared several times on the Oprah and Today shows and has taken this program all over the World.  I am fortunate enough to have been personally trained, certified, and mentored by Marcia...and am happy to share a few tips I’ve picked up along the way that may help you in creating the future you dream of.

Tip 1:  Say it out loud.  Yes, really.  Many times we have a dream or vision but for some reason or another we keep the vision a secret (not even admitting it to ourselves) because we feel we might be asking too much.  We have our secret dream, and then we negotiate down (often way down) to what we feel is more reasonable... and there we settle in.  It’s important to understand that you have every right to strive for more - to create the future you envision. 

Tip 2: Double check.  Once you know what “it” is, you’ll want to test just to make sure it’s something you’re really passionate about.  For example, if you decide you want to become a famous actor but really don’t care for extra attention... you may want to rethink your vision.  You’d hate to climb the mountain only to discover...wrong mountain. 

Tip 3:  Make some room.  As the saying goes, “out with the old and in with the new”.  Typically you’ll need to start saying no to unnecessary  things that take up your time and energy.  This includes saying no to negative thoughts and pesky doubts that might stop you in your tracks.  It also includes saying no to taking on extra projects and tasks that you aren’t really obligated to do (be honest, you know there’s a few out there). When you clear out some of the unnecessary clutter, you make room for bringing more of what you love into your current reality.  

Tip 4: Strike up a plan. Passion without a plan is just wasted energy.  In the past, I believed that “someday” all my dreams would eventually come true. The truth is, that belief is more likely a fantasy. Make no mistake, whatever your’ll need to put together a strategic plan and invest a little extra elbow grease to ensure your success.  

Tip 5: Find your “Dream Team”.  Let’s face it, some things are much easier said than done. No matter how strong you are, you’ll need at least one person to listen to your ideas, help develop your strategy, negotiate your obstacles, and cheer you on to success. Spend less time with those who don’t understand how important your vision is and more time with those who truly want you to to be happy (yes, they’re out there).  For a good start, I recommend you join the Amazing Dreamers online community at 

It’s free and it’s a great way to connect with other like-minded people. Of course, you can also contact me for personal coaching, using the Dream Coach® structured 12-week program designed to help you define your dreams, overcome obstacles, and develop a strategy to ensure that “someday” really is on its way.  Get started utilizing these tips and you’ll have more than just luck on your side! 

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dare to Day Dream

I was about 10 years into my successful career with a Fortune 50 company when it hit me. Now, it wasn't a the type of hit that comes at you from left field at 85 MPH, it was a gradual hit...the kind that takes place over several months or a fragile coastline slowly eroding in its beautiful surroundings.   I was living the life that any self-respecting career/family woman would envy - and I wasn't satisfied.  In fact, every time I sat at my desk or looked in the mirror, I couldn't help but hope this wasn't all there was to life. 
I found myself secretly day dreaming about the things I wanted to do with my career and my life and the type of people I wanted to work and surround myself with every day.

Luckily for me, I started on a path to figure out what it was that really mattered to me.  In fact, I needed to know what my purpose was/is in life and get a clear sense of what my dreams for "someday" might look like.

I found an amazing Dream Coach® program in San Francisco, CA,  founded by Marcia Wieder, who has been featured multiple times on the Oprah show.  Through this program I have been able to make incredible changes in my life and have obtained my coaching certification with the program.  

Throughout the process I have taken away several tips to creating a dream life which I share with my clients, and will now share with you.

1.  Dare to day dream.  Yes, I know it sounds a little frivolous, even selfish,  but believe me when I tell you it could very well give you the strength to go on helping the many other people in your life who are counting on you.  Think of it like the oxygen mask on an yourself first and then help those around you.  You must believe in the strength of your dreams and use the energy as fuel to keep you going and growing each day.  You deserve it.  You have the right to reach higher, to keep raising the bar on your expectations.  To quote James Ray, life is a cycle - like all living things, you're either in a cycle of growth or death (which one do you prefer?). 
2.  "Someday" is a myth.  If you're like me, you've been envisioning "someday" with a whimsical smile and a sigh of contentment for what is to come.  The problem is, your dreams for "someday" typically do not magically appear.  You need to tend to your dreams, acknowledge their existence, feed them, help them grow and become a reality. 
3. Don't turn your back on your reality.  What sometimes happens when we start to think about our amazing future is that we become overly irritated and disenchanted with our current reality.  I encourage you to realistically look at the present - while neither enhancing nor detracting from the facts.    It just is what it is - which means that adding more of what you love to do/be/see/etc. to your day is a great place to start.  Achieving your dreams is a series of small steps built around your overall strategy...the journey begins  with one step in the direction of your dreams. 

For more information about Dream Coaching and Executive Development, visit my website at

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fall In Love With Your Career All Over Again!

Have you been catching yourself yawning as you once again answer the question “so what do you do for a living?” Have your eyes been wandering over to other careers and companies because they look to be a little more exciting than what you have now?  If  you’ve answered yes to these questions it may be time to spice up your career and fall back in love with what you do. 

When you think about it, our careers and relationships with our employment companies are very similar to any other relationships in our lives.  There’s the phase when we’re attracted to the type of work, the phase we’re introduced to a particular company, the phase where we’re swept away and make a commitment, the phase where new projects and responsibilities are exhilarating and fun, the phase where we feel satisfied and comfortable, and ultimately we get to the phase where comfort can turn into boredom, irritation, and a need for change.  Often times that’s where it ends.  We see the apparent need for change and we move on to start the cycle all over again.

Well hold on just a minute, before you throw away a possible diamond in the rough, let’s take a step back and see if there’s a way to salvage what you have and recapture your love for your career. 

Now I know you might be thinking “sure, easy for Lisa to say, she’s a consultant and works with many companies”.  However, before I began consulting, I worked for a single company for more than 20 years (yes, I started when I was only 11 years old!).  So, having worked for so long with the same company, I picked up a few ESSENTIAL tips that helped me keep my career fresh, interesting and constantly in a period of growth. So whether you’re well into your long career or just starting down a new path, feel free to learn from my years of trial and error. 

Tip 1 Reflect back on why you wanted to work for this company in the first place. There must have been a reason that compelled you to work there.  In a perfect world, you will have a clear understanding of the company’s mission and goals and you will believe that they are in alignment with your purpose (email me for a copy of my past newsletter about finding your purpose). Often times this is where it gets foggy.  If you don’t know the purpose for the company, it might be a good time to talk to your management team to ask for a little clarity. Research has shown that when people work together for the betterment of a cause or purpose they feel connected to, the results can be incredible. Why do you think Oprah’s teams can do so many amazing things? If you believe in the company you work for, it’s a good sign that it’s not too late to rekindle the fire for your career.

Tip 2 Don’t be afraid to show how great you are. Over the years, I’ve noticed that some people will often “hold back” on their performance or on voicing their satisfaction with their job because they don’t want to stand out from the crowd.  They’d rather lay low and avoid making any waves because it seems easier than getting unwanted attention from their coworkers who believe they should “know their place”.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t think of anything that would kill my passion for my career quicker than trying to make sure I never made a difference or avoided letting myself really show what I know.  

Tip 3 Realize that you will be promoted in part for your accomplishments, but primarily for your potential. Often times we look at a promotion as a reward for a job well done, and in part it may be. However, the main reason an employer will promote you is because they are betting that based on your past performance, you will deliver even greater future results. So I encourage you to look at each day as another chance to show that you are a professional who continues to grow, learn, and change with the company.  Better yet, show them that you are a visionary leader who can and will exceed their expectations. Soak up all the training tools, coaching, and opportunities for growth that you possibly can. Not only will it make you look more promotable, but it will keep things more interesting and exciting for you. One of my favorite speakers, James Ray, states “all living things are in a cycle of growth or death, things can never stay exactly the same”.  Which cycle do you prefer?

Tip 4 Try something new. Believe me, there’s no way I could have stayed with the same company for 20 years if my role had stayed the same.  I was originally hired as a singer and by learning all I could, continuously looking for training opportunities, growing outside my comfort zone, and showing what I know, I opened a world of opportunity for myself.  I became an experienced speaker, corporate-wide trainer, company spokesperson, Director of multiple departments, and head of the creative production process. When you try new things you keep yourself engaged in your career and you increase your value to the company.

Tip 5 If all else fails, try to talk it out.  Believe it or not, sometimes you just need to let your employer know how you feel. Give them a chance to get creative,  and don’t be afraid to offer a few ideas of your own.  Who knows, you just may find yourself working...InBliss!

Copyright © 2008 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Setting An Intention For A Fresh New Year

We’ve all done it...New Year’s Eve arrives and we faithfully make our resolutions for the new year-so sure that we’ll try harder or do better than last year. So why then, four weeks into the new year, have we already forgotten our resolutions?

Some might say it’s because we don’t have the necessary will-power to accomplish what we set out to do. Some say it’s because we’re too busy or too overwhelmed to take  action on our resolution. My guess is it could be any of those things, but it’s more likely that you’ve simply started down a path without your compass and you’ve begun to lose your way.

Instead of rattling off a list of things you “should” do for whatever reason, sit down and think about what it is you really, really want to accomplish and set a solid intention for accomplishing your goal.  I also suggest that you focus on only one intention at a time.  I once heard a saying; “you can only ride one horse at a time and do it really well”.  The same thing is true for making change and improvements in your life.  

No matter what it is that you’d like accomplish (ex. lose weight, get a promotion, paint your living room, improve your management skills, etc.) setting an intention can and will set you on a course for success. 

With that in mind, a few tips for understanding the value and setting an intention.

Tip 1 Get clear.  In setting an intention you are making it clear to yourself and to others exactly what you want or plan to do.  Define what your definition of reaching your goal would be.  For example, you know you have reached your goal of improving your management skills when you consistently feel more satisfied with your ability to deal with difficult situations and motivate your staff.  You may even get that promotion you’ve been after!

Tip 2 Realize that an intention comes in many sizes and every large goal is filled with intentions big and small. With follow through, each intention will ultimately lead to success.  For example, if your resolution is to improve your management skills, your first intention may be to speak with your company to find out what skills and traits you may want to focus on.  Next, you might want to set intentions for researching and attending suitable training programs, finding a mentor, and researching reading materials. 

Tip 3 Don’t let confusion overwhelm your intention. You may have lots of passion about your resolution, but passion without a plan is wasted energy and will eventually fizzle out. Setting an intention to take a step towards your goal everyday will keep you on the right path and help to clear away confusion. 

Tip 4 Use your resources. Ask for what you want and need from others.  When you clearly state your intention and your request of others (as opposed to expecting them to read your mind) you have the opportunity to gain a partner and a cheering section.  For example, if you admire someone’s management style, ask them for tips and possibly support (chances are they’ll be flattered and very willing to share advice).

Tip 5 Be accountable.  Choose your resolutions carefully by deciding what really matters to you.  You might ask someone you trust to help “hold” your intention for you.  However, nothing can take the place of honoring your intentions to yourself.  You’ll be amazed at how your self-esteem and sense of accomplishment will increase when you accomplish your goals.  Sounds like Bliss to me.

Copyright © 2007 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Passion - Such a fiery word!

Passion - such a fiery word! Sometimes it can be downright intimidating. Yet, it’s one of the most essential pieces in creating a career and a life that’s fulfilling. So let’s try to break it down into easy to manage pieces that we can work to your advantage.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat down with someone to talk about how they can get more satisfaction out of their career and their life. Things will be going smoothly, they have everything under control, they seem very confident...until I drop the bomb and ask...”What are you passionate about?’’ Well, that’s when things can get tricky. Now, don’t misunderstand me, I’m talking about G-rated passion here, the kind of passion that makes you want to get up in the morning, want to go to work, want to see a friend, go to an event, etc. Yet, something about the word Passion can make perfectly well-adjusted people suddenly feel intimidated. I know because it happened to me.

There I was, going about the business of being a grown-up, taking things very seriously as I believed I was supposed to do, and someone asked me the very same question. My first reaction was say that I am passionate about my career, family, and exercise (ok, the last one I made up just to sound responsible). I think I felt like those things were mature enough to admit to. But then I realized I felt more, but I was sure that the other things I got excited about weren’t worthy of being on the list. For example, I LOVE going to spas, resort hotels, buying a great outfit that makes me feel good, helping others dress to feel great, listening to my favorite music, eating great food (not necessarily cooking it), empowering others to reach their goals, laughing out loud, finding hope and joy, helping others feel good about themselves, being creative, being surrounded by nature, and working less and playing more.

I could go on and on...but isn’t that selfish? Isn’t that what many of us believe, that once we’re an adult we need to put our silly wants and wishes away and ‘get to work’? Well, not so fast. Because let me tell you that not only can you do both, you can do it and be more successful and satisfied with your overall life.

Studies have shown that passion fuels creativity and productivity. In other words, the more passion you have about something, the more energy you have. And when you use that energy to focus on your goal, you are far more productive.

For example, when I realized that I am genuinely energized when I am empowering others, a light bulb went off and I began to incorporate that skill into my ‘work’. In fact, it became the foundation for my work. And when I began to give myself permission to have fun while doing it...being playful, joyful, and laughing with others, that’s when I found that I had more energy than I ever thought possible. I found I could give a 4-hour seminar, coach clients for another 3 hours, take part in a creative session, and still feel energized at the end of the day. To me, this was a miraculous discovery! I began to want to get up each day and get to work.

Now, keep in mind that I also love to take time to relax, be with my family and friends, and enjoy my favorite things. Well, the great thing is that once I became more passionate about my work, I realized that I could get more of it done in a shorter amount of time and, as a bonus, I felt really good about the work I had done. I had found bliss. The key now is holding onto it. So, everyday I make it my goal to remind myself not only of what I am passionate about, but to add things to my list and continue to find ways to adapt my passion to my work.

Now some people might think this is where it’s a little selfish, actually spending time and sometimes money to search for your G-rated passion? Is that what I’m suggesting? Yes,it is. Now you have permission because it’s an essential thing to do to help you in your career. In fact, recently I went to a convention that sounded interesting to me, there were well known speakers who frequently appear on the Oprah show and I was looking forward to it. Little did I know how fact, when I was in a seminar and turned around to see Stacy London from TLC’s ‘What Not To Wear’ show standing right behind me, I got down right giddy! And when she signed her book for me and we got to talk for a few minutes I felt all of the passion for learning all I could about that industry come flooding back to me. I went to hear her speak, and for an hour and a half I was completely engrossed and took notes like a fiend as she spoke effortlessly and passionately about how to ‘dress right’. In fact, she was so passionate that she spoke 45 minutes longer than they had asked her to and the crowd stayed to listen. I was reinvigorated and ready to work.

Passion is contagious, it is motivating, and it is essential to your well being. Isn’t it time you tapped in to yours? Isn’t it time you began to connect to your passion and Work, play and , live...InBliss™?

Copyright © 2007 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC All Rights Reserved Internationally. No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Hit The Target on Perception


By Lisa Broesch

As a business image consultant, I can’t stress enough the importance of making a positive first impression.  We’ve all met people we just didn’t ‘connect’ with.  Sometimes it’s hard to identify why, but nonetheless without making a positive first impression, the opportunity to form a meaningful personal or professional relationship is likely lost.  Which brings me to this month’s essential element in the ‘Connect...Like You Mean It!’ series...  Perception.  

Whether it’s personal perception (how others view you) or business perception (how others view your business or the business you work for), we often form an impression of others in a matter of seconds - typically 6 seconds or less.  So it’s no surprise that I am often asked questions such as  "How can I quickly make a positive impact on others?" or "Is it ok to have a sense of humor if I am in a management position?"  The truth is, it all depends on what your target is.  What is your vision of a positive first impression? In other words, how do you want to be perceived? And that’s where it’s time to do a little soul searching.  Because to be truly self-confident, a key component in forming a positive first impression, you must have a very clear image of how you want to be perceived. 

Now, this may sound a little daunting, but with a few quick tips you can start to really form a clear image of who you are and how you want to be seen by others.  So let’s get started!

Step 1 find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes.  Close your eyes and start to really imagine the ‘you’ that you have always dreamed of being.  Really, picture the hair, the clothes, the walk, the look on your face.  Picture yourself going through your day.

Step 2 Now, add in other people and as you do, notice how you appear in the interaction.  Are you serious and scholarly? Courteous, respected, and helpful? Intelligent and outgoing with a sense of humor?  Really notice the details.  Notice also how others look when they are interacting with they look like they appreciate being around you?  Remember, ultimately this is how you want them to react.

Step 3 Next, focus on how you feel as you are experiencing this interaction.  Many people find that they feel very relaxed, filled with hope or a renewed level of self-esteem.  Some say that they finally felt ‘like themselves’.  

Step 4 Once you’ve had a chance to let this settle, open your eyes and make a list of words that describe how you would like to be perceived. Funny, intelligent, well respected, warm, focused, etc.

Step 5 Understand that this is now your target.  If you have found that you want to be seen as intelligent and well respected, then keep that in mind when you talk with others. Make sure that your answers are thought out and avoid being overly sarcastic or flippant. If you want to be seen as confident and friendly, be sure to make eye contact right away and give a nice warm smile whenever you greet someone, even if you’ve met them before.  The same principles apply to your business. Once you have an idea of how you want it to be perceived, be sure that everyone and everything in the environment reflects your vision.  

Step 6 Lastly, consider the environment that you’re in.  Obviously you want to be sure that the image you have in mind is appropriate for your environment.  Typically, I have found that most people assume they should err on the side of being overly reserved in business. But the good news is many employers and clients prefer to work with people who have (an appropriate) sense of humor,  warmth and friendliness.  

The important thing is to find what feels right and to be aware of the message you are sending. That way, whenever you meet someone you are able to Connect...Like You Mean It!™

Copyright © 2007 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

Connect To Your Purpose

Let's get back to basics and visit the foundation for making connections…getting in touch with your Purpose. 

Wow, this is possibly the most important element in being true to yourself and forming meaningful relationships with those around you.  It’s hard to commit to something, anything, without understanding why you are doing it.  Why are you in your field of work, why are you volunteering for that particular organization, why do you do any of the tasks that you do everyday?  

It’s important to get in touch with your purpose.  Sometimes your purpose shouts loud and clear and other times it might be a bit more elusive or even seemingly impossible to figure out.   Understand that your purpose doesn’t need to be a grand statement like you see in the movies.  It can be as simple as asking yourself, ‘what am I passionate about? What matters to me?  What do I love to do? or  ‘What do I need to complete in my lifetime?’ 

 Take some time to sit quietly, preferably meditate and really listen to the answer that comes to you.   Be patient, it might not come to you right away.  In fact, if you are a particularly busy person, it may take several sessions to start to get clear on your purpose.   You might have just one word pop into your head – like ‘guide, compassion, humor, strength, etc.’ 

If this happens, think about the word and see if it feels true for you.  If the word ‘humor’ pops into your mind and you find that you really enjoy making people laugh or enjoy when others make you laugh, it might be that your purpose is to bring laughter into the world.  This is a very admirable purpose – what would life be without the joy of laughter?  

Once you start to get a clearer understanding of your purpose, it’s important to start using it as a filter for everything you do.  For example, if your purpose is to show compassion and you’ve decided to work in the field of repossessions, you may be out of sync with your purpose!  That’s when it becomes hard to find meaning in your work and that spills over into your relationships with those around you.  If your purpose is to guide and you are in a customer service position, than you can start to find ways to guide customers by helping them understand a product or policy and explaining it in a way that makes them want to work with you all the time.  This is when you will start to feel like you are making a difference and you will likely be more satisfied.  

My recommendation is to come up with a brief purpose statement such as ‘my purpose is to guide with hope and joy’.  This makes it even easier to use your purpose as a filter for all areas of your life.  If your purpose is to guide with hope and joy and you are a Supervisor, find ways to add more hope and joy to the way you interact with your employees.  I’m certain that they will start to notice and be even more willing to follow your lead.  It’s very likely that your employees will then start to add more hope and joy to the way they interact with clients, customers and co-workers.   How great would that be??  

The point is, when you have a better understanding of what your purpose is you can start to begin making better choices on how you relate to other people and where you may need to make changes in the way you spend your time.  It can also help you realize or confirm the areas in your life where you may already be making an impact and are doing exactly what you need to be doing right now.   The great news is, this is your life and you are the only one who can decide what’s right for you at this moment in time. When you are on purpose, you will begin to Connect...Like You Mean It!

Copyright © 2007 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   No portion may be reprinted or used without prior written permission.

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