Monday, June 8, 2009

Are You Preparing Yourself for Success?

I don't know about you, but I can't help but imagine how much better off we would all be if, collectively, we were thinking about how to continue on the path of success rather than the path of failure.  If you think about it, all we've been hearing from the media for the past year and a half (if not longer) is that we need to prepare for the economy to get worse, prepare for consumers to spend less, prepare for layoffs,  for travelers to take fewer and shorter trips, for conventions and business trips to be cancelled, for consumers to have less faith in the banking, housing, auto, healthcare, you name it, industries.  And really, all of those things have come true.  

Of course they have, it's what we've all been focusing on.  In fact, just yesterday Ben Stein on CBS Sunday Morning spoke of how hard the travel industry has been hit because of reactions to President Obama's suggestion that companies receiving government bail outs be very cognizant of how they spend their funds, and avoid lavish and unnecessary travel and spending.  However, he was not suggesting that companies in general avoid travel, cancel conventions, and eliminate spending on receptions or gatherings in general.  This in turn has had a huge trickle down effect, only making things worse.  

A similar effect is happening in businesses as companies continue to administer lay- offs, furloughs, and reduced hours while increasing workload and stress in the office. So how do we switch this around and prepare for success??  Because, after all, eventually the economy will turn around and customers will return to spend money - but will your company be ready to handle business?  If you've been finding ways to keep your staff motivated and dedicated to your company the answer may very well be "yes."  However, if you've been relying on the thought that "They should just be lucky they have a job." Well, what makes you think that once other companies start hiring again, your staff won't make a bee line for the door?  After all, they already know what you have to offer and if it hasn't been great, well why not take a chance on going with another company?    

The problem is that if they've been a productive part of your workforce, they take their education, training, and experience with them.  Leaving you to recruit, rehire, retrain, and reevaluate new employees - all at a hefty price to you. In fact, research shows that it costs an average of $65,000 to replace a middle manager-salary not included! It just makes good business sense to invest in your employees now, making them company advocates and saving you time and big bucks later. 

Some of the best ways to invest in your employees is by providing them with great leadership, professional development opportunities, consistent messaging, and employee incentives that won't break the bank.  All of which will lend a significant ROI, and keep your company preparing for success, rather than failure.    

Copyright © 2009 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   Permission to reprint with attribution.

Contact Lisa and discover how you can accomplish your personal and professional development goals.

Lisa Broesch, President, Actualize Consulting Group

Partner in Professional Development • Keynote Speaker • Employee Workshops

1033 Featherstone Circle, Orlando, Fl  34761

T: (407)595-6771 • F: (407)291-9078 • Web Address:

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Stop Selling Yourself Short!

Do you know what you’re really worth?

One of my clients called me as she was attempting to work up the nerve to ask for a promotion.  When I asked her why she felt she was entitled, she quickly rattled off a laundry list of items she was clearly proud to share.

She told me that she had been with the company 11 years, had been a supervisor for 8 years, taken multiple seminars, developed several processes, led numerous projects, actively encourages “teamwork,” and has a very good attitude.  To which I replied “Ok, but why do you believe that’s worth a promotion?” It wasn’t the response she expected.  

I must say, I understood her confusion.  Haven’t we all gotten to that place in our career where we feel like we’re entitled to more money, and maybe more “clout?” I know I have, and I know that listing off what I “do” was typically the first place I turned for justification.  The problem is, nobody really cares what we “do.”  In other words, it’s not the action that brings value to the table, it’s the results of the action.  I know, you may be thinking, “What’s the difference?”  Well, let me explain and clear up a few common misconceptions.

Simply occupying a position for a long time does not make you more valuable to the company.  This “justification” comes up more than just about any other. Don’t let it happen to you! In most cases, you’re not entitled to more pay, promotion, or even job security simply because you’ve been in the job longer than anyone else. In fact, with the competition for gainful employment and the need for innovation, it’s more important than ever to constantly update your skills and talents. One of the worst things you can do is to work for a company for 25 years without expanding your areas of expertise.   

Being “busy” carries no value.  I worked with a woman for 18 years who never missed an opportunity to dramatically tell me how busy she was (at work and at home), every time I saw her.  Understand, in most reputable companies, employers don’t want their employees (particularly their leadership team) to work themselves into the ground. In fact, as a former executive myself, I much prefer employees who get the job done as efficiently and quickly as possible - leaving them physically and mentally  energized for the next project. However, for some reason, we often equate being “busy” with being invaluable. It’s not necessary to tell everyone how busy you are (how can you possibly take on more responsibility?), but it is necessary to deliver results. Don’t confuse the two . . . I wish someone had given me this tip before I spent a decade figuring it out! 

Companies typically think in financial terms.  Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely believe that all of the items on her list are essential to her professional development.  However, they are a means to an end. The real VALUE comes in terms of the results. For example, “developing processes” is fine, but streamlining efficiencies and increasing productivity are the resulting value of your efforts.  You don’t just “take workshops,” “encourage teamwork,” and “have a positive attitude,” you increase motivation and employee retention, and decrease turnover and training costs.  See the difference? It’s not the “how you do it,” it’s the “what you’ve done” that really matters. It’s important to look at all the areas you positively impact with your actions (decreasing turnover also decreases overtime coverage and recruiting time, and increases the overall experience of your talent pool). Where are you down-playing what you really bring to the table?

It isn’t necessary to constantly grab the spotlight. While you want to ensure you don’t go unnoticed, constantly taking credit, updating everyone on your accomplishments, and vying for high profile projects will only exhaust and frustrate everyone around you.  Don’t underestimate the importance of encouraging your coworkers and/or employees, actively recognizing the strengths of others, and leading by example.  These are traits that truly improve productivity and morale, speed the success of new employees,  and make you a truly invaluable resource.  What better way to Actualize your success?

Copyright © 2009 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   Permission to reprint with attribution.

Contact Lisa and discover how you can accomplish your personal and professional development goals.

Lisa Broesch, President, Actualize Consulting Group

Partner in Professional Development • Keynote Speaker • Employee Workshops

1033 Featherstone Circle, Orlando, Fl  34761

T: (407)595-6771 • F: (407)291-9078 • Web Address:

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shower the People You Love (or at least like) With Praise

How many times have you worked yourself silly to give a great presentation, finish a project or go out of your way to help someone else out . . . only to wonder if anyone noticed? 

My guess is that it happens more often than you care to remember and it can leave you feeling less than satisfied, perhaps even incredibly frustrated. Yeah, me too.  

Here’s the thing, if it’s happening to you and me, it stands to reason that it’s also happening to those around you. Perhaps even to your own employees, friends, spouses, children . . .you get the picture.  Is it even possible that you or I might possibly be responsible for causing someone else to feel this way??  As much as I hate to admit it, I’m afraid so.  

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself inside a corporate office or University, working one to one with senior management or staff members . . . it doesn’t really matter what title . . .the conversation very often turns to the topic of personal and professional value. Time and again the core issue is that they are in some sort of conflict (internal or otherwise) because they feel like they are not being recognized for their skills, talent, efforts, time - you name it.  At times, the frustration has been so intense that the person is literally ready to either give up their career with the company or simply stop making an effort.  In reality, they really don’t want to choose either option.  Would you believe that when I ask the question “What is it that you need in order to resolve this situation?”  ninety percent of the time the answer is “I just want to be told that I did a good job”  or “To be told that I made a difference.” Along those same lines, research shows that the majority of all conflicts in marriage and friendship can be traced back to one or both parties feeling under appreciated or under valued. 

Hmm, do you see a pattern?  Yeah, me too.  Yet, as frustrating and painful as it can be to be the recipient of the situation . . .how often to you find yourself really validating the people in your life. . .honestly? 

Now, before you start feeling the need to defend yourself it’s important that you understand that it’s not your fault.  I’m fairly certain that neither you nor I would intentionally cause someone else to believe that they are insignificant.  Odds are, most of the time we’re more worried about what other people think about us.  

In fact, I’ve seen some people become so concerned with making sure that they are recognized for their efforts that they would NEVER call attention to someone else’s great work for fear of being upstaged (yes, I know you would never resort to this tactic). 

In the interest of successfully retaining your friendships, employees, and customers, as well as increasing employee productivity,  it’s time to end the cycle.  Yes, I’m suggesting that you go out of your way to acknowledge the little and not so little things that others do to make your life and your career a success. 

Now, when you start to do this several things will likely happen: 1. You’ll feel a little ridiculous because this might not come naturally.  Not to worry, the more you do it, the easier it is.  I promise. 2. You’ll have a hard time finding things to “appreciate.”  That’s OK, don’t work at it too hard.  Just notice those times when you’re thinking to yourself “Wow, they did a great job,” etc. and then make an effort to verbalize your genuine thanks. The key is to offer sincere validation.  Remember, it is likely what the other person is looking for. 3. You won’t see an immediate payoff.  Be patient because eventually you’ll set a new tone in your environment and you’ll start seeing indicators that your efforts are being recognized.  Employees will become increasingly satisfied, friends may offer their help a little more often, and people will likely appreciate you more.  Activate potential and you’ll realize results. Ultimately, isn’t that what we’re all looking for?

Copyright © 2009 InBliss Coaching and Consulting LLC  All Rights Reserved Internationally.   Permission to reprint with attribution.

Contact Lisa and discover how you can accomplish your personal and professional development goals.

Lisa Broesch, President, Actualize Consulting Group

Partner in Professional Development • Keynote Speaker • Employee Workshops

1033 Featherstone Circle, Orlando, Fl  34761

T: (407)595-6771 • F: (407)291-9078  • Web Address: http//

©2009 Actualize Consulting Group, All rights reserved. Permission granted to excerpt or reprint with attribution.

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